Folder Structure
We need to have an organized file structure for this class.
We need to define a folder structure according to some easy-to-access Location. Some base folder. Usually "home" or "Documents" (depending on OS).
- Windows:
\Users\<username> or C:\Users\<username>\Documents - C:\Users\pfrank\ (IF I had Windows)
- You usually navigate to these locations in the Explorer starting at "This PC"
- macOS: /Users/<username> or /Users/<username>/Documents (Notice the slashes)
- /Users/pfrank/
- You usually navigate to these locations in the Finder starting at "Documents".
Actual Structure
- Documents
- cs1111
- module01
- exampleFile.class
- module02
- ...
- lab01
- lab02
- ...
- hw01
- hw02
- ...
- module01
- cs1111
Putting Java into your computer AND using terminal VS IDE
Please go to Piazza/Resources/Resources and download the Lab0 slides. We will install all the necessary files for compiling and executing Java programs on your computers.
An IDE (Integrated Development Environment) is a fancy program for writing, compiling and executing code. Since we don't want you learning the IDE itself but the Java that is underneath, we'll use the simplest IDE: JGrasp.
We will install, set-up and test this today.
In Lab0, you may finish setting it up.