Midterm Results
- Average: 65/100
- SD: 15
- Curve: Will add 10 points to all grades.
Point Recovery Rules
A student can recover up to 10 points by turning in a re-worked solution of a problem where they lost the MOST points (out of 25). The problem analysis needs to be typed, and the following rules must be followed:
- There needs to be a description, in english of the algorithm that you propose.
- The pseudocode needs to be pseudocode: See part B. Expression of Algorithms (Pseudo Language) in the Introduction section of the notes.
- The pseudocode must have comments clarifying the intent of every relevant piece of code.
- The algorithm and the pseudocode can use algorithms we've seen in class directly, without writing their code explicitly
- The submitted document must be called: <LastnameName>Recovery.pdf (FrankPabloRecovery.pdf)
- The student also submit a separate scan (not photographs) of their exam (THE GREEN BOOKLET) named <LastnameName>ExamScan.pdf (FrankPabloRecovery.pdf)
- The student MUST return the exam to me.
- Submit the two pdf documents in a ZIP file to Blackboard