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Lecture 15.5 1D-2D practice!

Array Practice!

The Rules

  • Setup in teams of 2 or 3.
  • You will be showing your work to TAs to move to the next problem.
  • Once you complete a problem, you can move on to the next.
  • If the class ends, you can leave (try the remaining problems at home!)


Complete and show the following exercises:

  • Module 9, In-class exercise 15.
  • Module 9, In-class exercise 16.


Complete and show the following exercises:

  • Initialize a 10-by-10 2D array, fill it with the multiplication table, print it as a table.
  • Make a method where, given two integer inputs: row and col, it prints a checkerboard pattern of row rows and col columns. Choose any two characters for the checkerboard (0 and 1, # and 0; # and -; X and O; ...).

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